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The Early Iron Age Cemetery of Ḥorvat Tevet: Life and Death in a Rural Community in the Jezreel Valley
(pp. 145–166)
Jordan Weitzel, Karen Covello-Paran, Hannes Bezzel, Oded Lipschits, Omer Sergi

Tracking Color Through Time: Polychromy on Etruscan Urns from Ancient Creation to Modern Intervention
(pp. 167–197)
Open Access
Cecilie Brøns, Jens Stenger, Anna Katerinopoulou, Katherine Eremin, Kate Smith, Georgina Rayner, Susanne Ebbinghaus, Jacob Kveiborg

Print Museum Reviews

Enheduanna and Her World: Individual Women in Ancient Western Asia
(pp. 279–286)
Open Access
Pınar Durgun

Book Reviews

The Life and Death of Ancient Cities: A Natural History
Open Access
By Greg Woolf
Reviewed by Manuel Fernández-Götz

Urban Life in the Distant Past: The Prehistory of Energized Crowding
Open Access
By Michael E. Smith
Reviewed by Thomas E. Emerson

Male Nudity in the Greek Iron Age: Representation and Ritual Context in Aegean Societies
Open Access
By Sarah C. Murray
Reviewed by Stefanos Gimatzidis

The Attalids of Pergamon and Anatolia: Money, Culture, and State Power
Open Access
By Noah Kaye
Reviewed by Marcus Chin

Roman Funerary Rituals in Mutina (Modena, Italy): A Multidisciplinary Approach
Open Access
By Federica Maria Riso
Reviewed by Alessandro Sebastiani

From Roman to Early Christian Cyprus: Studies in Religion and Archaeology
Open Access
Edited by Laura Nasrallah, AnneMarie Luijendijk, and Charalambos Bakirtzis
Reviewed by Jody Michael Gordon

Books Received