American Journal of Archaeology | The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
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Cape Colias Phalerum and the Phaleric Wall (pp. 1–11)
John Day
Note on the Bronze Statuettes of Sardinia (pp. 12–15)
Valentin Müller
Mosaics from Olynthos (pp. 16–24)
David M. Robinson
Two Unpublished Inscriptions from Rhodes (pp. 25–26)
Kenneth Scott
A Note on the Jewellery of Demetrius the Besieger (pp. 27–28)
Grace H. Macurdy
The Bearing of the Excavations at Tell Billa and at Tepe Gawra upon the Ethnic Problems of Ancient Mesopotamia (pp. 29–35)
E.A. Speiser
General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America December 29–31, 1931 (pp. 36–42)
Archaeological News (pp. 43–73)
Edward H. Heffner, Elizabeth Pierce Blegen, and Millar Burrows
Book Reviews
Old Bulgarian Church Architecture. Starobulgarskata tserkovna arkhitektura (p. 74)
By B. Filow
Reviewed by Clarence A. Manning
Syria Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904–05 and 1909. Division 1. Geography and Itinerary (pp. 74–75)
By Howard Crosby Butler, Frederick A. Norris, and Edward Royal Stoever
Reviewed by Philip K. Hitti
Zenon Papyri in the University of Michigan Collection (pp. 75–76)
By C.C. Edgar
Reviewed by William Linn Westermann
The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume VIII, Rome and the Mediterranean (p. 76)
By S.A. Cook, F.E. Adcock, and M.P. Charlesworth
Reviewed by Allan Chester Johnson
The Cambridge Ancient History. Third Volume of Plates (p. 76)
Reviewed by Allan Chester Johnson
Les Temples de Karnak, fragment du dernier ouvrage de georges legrain (pp. 77–78)
By Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth
Reviewed by Ludlow Bull
Propos sur l’Art égyptien (pp. 78–79)
By Jean Capart
Reviewed by William C. Hayes, Jr.
Détails Relevés dans les ruines de Quelques Temples Égyptiens (pp. 79–80)
By Edouard Naville and D.N. Belaieff
Reviewed by William C. Hayes, Jr.
Palästina und seine Kultur in fünf Jahrtausenden nach den neuesten Ausgrabungen und Forschungen dargestellt (p. 80)
By Peter Thomsen
Reviewed by James A. Montgomery
Mémoires archéologiques publiés par l’École Française d’Extrème-Orient. Tome II. Le temple d’Angkor Vat. Deuxième Partie: La sculpture ornementale du temple (p. 81)
By Victor Goloubew
Reviewed by P.B. Cott
Thukydides im Lichte der Urkunden (p. 81)
By Walther Kolbe
Reviewed by Benjamin D. Meritt
The Roman Campagna and Its Treasures (pp. 81–82)
By Gilbert Bagnani
Reviewed by Elizabeth Hazelton Haight
Mittelalterliche Gläser und Steinschnittarbeiten aus dem nahen osten (pp. 82–83)
By Carl Johan Lamm
Reviewed by Blake-More Godwin
Das Problem des Klassischen und die Antike. Acht Vortraege gehalten auf der Fachtagung der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft zu Naumburg 1930 (p. 83)
By Werner Jaeger
Reviewed by Valentin Müller
Zur Technik der attischen Gefäszkeramik (pp. 84–86)
By Ludwig Hussong
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter
History and Monuments of Ur (p. 86)
By C.J. Gadd
Reviewed by Philip K. Hitti
L’Art Nègre a l’exposition du Palais des Beaux-Arts du 15 novembre au 31 décembre 1930 (pp. 86–87)
By J. Maes and H. Lavachery
Reviewed by Agnes Rindge
Die Apokalypse des Hl. Johannes in der Altspanischen und Altchristlichen Bibel-Illustration: Das Problem der Beatus-Handschriften (pp. 87–89)
By Wilhelm Neuss
Reviewed by C.R. Morey
Beth-Shan Excavations 1921–1923: The Arab and Byzantine Levels (pp. 89–90)
By Gerald M. Fitz Gerald
Reviewed by Philip K. Hitti
The Foundations of Bible History. Joshua, Judges (p. 90)
By John Garstang
Reviewed by R.V.D. Magoffin
The Hittite Empire: Being a Survey of the History, Geography, and Monuments of Hittite Asia Minor and Syria (pp. 90–91)
By John Garstang
Reviewed by R.V.D. Magoffin