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January–March 1925 (29.1)

Joseph Clark Hoppin 1870–1925 (pp. 1–2)

Notes on Payments Made by the Treasurers of Athena in 416–5 B.C. (pp. 3–16)
Allen B. West

The Metopes of the Sicyonian Treasury at Delphi (pp. 17–19)
L.D. Caskey

The Colossus of Barletta (pp. 20–25)
F.P. Johnson

A Restoration in I.G. I, 37 (pp. 26–28)
Benjamin D. Meritt

Peace between Athens and Bottice (pp. 29–31)
Benjamin D. Meritt

Atreus and Agamemnon (pp. 32–33)
Grace H. Macurdy

A Byzantine Statue in Megara (pp. 34–37)
F.P. Johnson

Nicosthenes: His Activity and Affiliations (pp. 38–52)
Stephen Bleecker Luce

Aphrodite Worship on a Minoan Gem (pp. 53–58)
Kate McK. Elderkin

Cleon’s Amphipolitan Campaign and the Assessment List of 421 (pp. 59–69)
Allen B. West and Benjamin D. Meritt

An Athlete’s Head in the Fogg Museum of Art (pp. 70–75)
A.D. Fraser

An Inscribed Hydria in Aegina (pp. 76–78)
J. Penrose Harland

The Janus Shrine of the Forum (pp. 79–81)
Horace W. Wright

Note on a Sarcophagus at Corinth (pp. 82–83)
J. Donald Young

General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, December 29–31, 1924 (pp. 84–92)

Archaeological News (pp. 93–116)
Edward H. Heffner and E.P.B.