American Journal of Archaeology | The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
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Three Milestones of Western Cyprus (pp. 89–99)
T.B. Mitford
The Palace of Nestor Excavations of 1965 (pp. 101–103)
Carl W. Blegen
Cycladic Objects in the Fogg and Farland Collections (pp. 105–111)
Patricia G. Preziosi
The Calaurian Amphictiony (pp. 113–121)
Thomas Kelly
Byblite Daggers in Cyprus and Crete (pp. 123–126)
Keith Branigan
Notes on Military Architecture in the Termessos Region (pp. 127–137)
F.E. Winter
Archaeology in Asia Minor (pp. 139–159)
Machteld J. Mellink
Archaeological Notes
Two Bronze Mirror Caryatids in the National Museum of Warsaw (pp. 161–165)
Lenore O. Keene Congdon
A Series of Notes in Three Parts on Greek Pictorial Composition (pp. 165–169)
Alan M.G. Little
Late Mycenaean Pottery at Beth-Shan (pp. 169–171)
Vronwy Hankey
The Tomb of Augustus and the Princes of Troy (pp. 171–173)
R. Ross Holloway
IG I², 220: Prepis or Menekles? (pp. 173–175)
W. Kendrick Pritchett
The New Elysian Fields (pp. 175–178)
Claudio Vita-Finzi
Sir Ian Richmond (p. 179)
G.S. and H.C.
Sixty-Seventh General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 182–198)
Book Reviews
Science in Archaeology (p. 199)
By Don Brothwell and Eric Higgs
Reviewed by Alsoph H. Corwin
Papyrus Reisner II (pp. 199–200)
By William Kelly Simpson
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke
Egyptian Art in the Egyptian Museum of Turin (p. 200)
By Ernesto Scamuzzi
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke
Stephania, a Middle and Late Bronze Age Cemetery in Cyprus (pp. 200–201)
By J.B. Hennessy
Reviewed by Porphyrios Dikaios
Die minoischen und mykenischen Siegel des Nationalmuseums in Athen (pp. 201–202)
By A. Sakellariou
Reviewed by Emily Vermeule
Sculptures from Salamis I (pp. 202–203)
By Vassos Karageorghis
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter
Les portes sculptées à images divines (pp. 203–204)
By Charles Picard
Reviewed by Oscar Broneer
The Portraits of the Greeks (pp. 204–205)
By Gisela M.A. Richter
Reviewed by Karl Schefold
Vasi di Hadra. Tentativo di sistemazione cronologica di una classe ceramica (p. 205)
By Lucia Guerrini
Reviewed by Brian F. Cook
Römische Villen in Pannonien (p. 206)
By Edit B. Thomas
Reviewed by Marcel Amand
Les natures mortes campaniennes. Répertoire descriptif des peintures de nature morte du Musée National de Naples, de Pompéi, Herculanum et Stabies (pp. 206–207)
By Jean-Michel Croisille
Reviewed by L. Richardson, Jr.
Römische Götteraltäre (pp. 207–208)
By Werner Hermann
Reviewed by Cornelius Vermeule
Marques de potiers gallo-romains trouvées à Paris et conservées principalement au Musée Carnavalet (p. 208)
By Marie Durand-Lefebvre
Reviewed by Howard Comfort
Festal and Dated Coins of the Roman Empire: Four Papers by Aline Abaecherli Boyce (pp. 208–209)
Reviewed by James D. Breckenridge
Le Rayonnement des civilisations grecque et romaine sur les cultures périphériques (pp. 209–210)
Reviewed by Cornelius Vermeule
The Archaeology of Cape Denbigh (pp. 210–213)
By J.L. Giddings
Reviewed by William N. Irving
Men of Ancient Iowa as Revealed by Archaeological Discoveries (pp. 213–214)
By Marshall McKusick
Reviewed by Melvin L. Fowler
Southwestern Archaeology, Second Edition (pp. 214–215)
By John C. McGregor
Reviewed by Robert H. Lister
The Boston Oresteia Krater (p. 215)