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July–September 1931 (35.3)

Who Carved the Hermes of Praxiteles? (pp. 249–261)
Rhys Carpenter

The Hermes of Praxiteles (pp. 262–268)
Stanley Casson

Bemerkungen zur Griechischen Bildhauerarbeit (pp. 269–276)
Carl Blümel

The Hermes of Praxiteles (pp. 277–290)
Gisela M.A. Richter

Some Notes on the Drapery of the Hermes (pp. 291–295)
Valentin Müller

Architectural Note (pp. 296–297)
William Bell Dinsmoor

Four Red-Figured Vases in Providence (pp. 298–303)
Stephen Bleecker Luce

A Neolithic Celt with Gnostic Inscriptions at Toronto (pp. 304–309)
J.H. Iliffe

The Date of Pausanias, Book II (pp. 310–318)
H. Comfort

The Books of Chilan Balam as Tradition (pp. 319–323)
R.B. Weitzel

Archaeological News (pp. 324–352)
Edward H. Heffner, E.P.B., and A.W.V.B.

Book Reviews

Wirtschaftliche Schwankungen der Zeit von Alexander bis Augustus (p. 353)
By Fr. Heichelheim
Reviewed by Allan Chester Johnson

Corinth. Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Volume III, Part I. Acrocorinth, Excavations in 1926 (pp. 353–354)
By Carl William Blegen, Oscar Broneer, Richard Stillwell, and Alfred Raymond Bellinger
Reviewed by J. Penrose Harland

Hercules am Scheidewege (pp. 354–355)
By Erwin Panofsky
Reviewed by Frank J. Mather

Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut in Athen. Tiryns Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen des Instituts. Dritter Band. Die Architektur der Burg und des Palastes (pp. 355–356)
By Kurt Müller
Reviewed by Carl W. Blegen

Die Schachtgräber von Mydenai. Parts I and II (pp. 356–357)
By Georg Karo
Reviewed by Carl W. Blegen

Meriamlik und Korykos-Zwei Christliche Ruinenstätten des Rauhen Kilikiens (pp. 357–358)
By E. Herzfeld and S. Guyer
Reviewed by Kenneth J. Conant

Corinth. Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Volume IV, Part II. Terracotta Lamps (pp. 358–359)
By Oscar Broneer
Reviewed by Christine Alexander

Syracusan Dekadrachms of the Euainetos Type (pp. 359–360)
By Albert Gallatin
Reviewed by David M. Robinson

Das Ptolemäergeld (p. 360)
By Walther Giesecke
Reviewed by Agnes B. Brett

The Archaeology of Roman Britain (p. 361)
By R.G. Collingwood
Reviewed by R.I.W. Westgate

Animals in Greek Sculpture, a Survey (pp. 362–363)
By Gisela M.A. Richter
Reviewed by L.D. Caskey

Ancient Life in the American Southwest (pp. 363–365)
By Edgar L. Hewett
Reviewed by Herbert J. Spinden

Corinth, Volume V; The Roman Villa (p. 365)
By Theodore Leslie Shear
Reviewed by G.W. Elderkin

Prehistoric Malta; The Tarxien Temples (p. 366)
By Themistccles Zammit
Reviewed by G.W. Elderkin

Les richesses d’art de la France, La Bourgogne. L’architecture. Fascicles X–XVI (pp. 366–367)
By Louis Hautecoeur
Reviewed by George H. Forsyth, Jr.

Les Richesses d’Art de la France. Bourgogne. La Sculpture, Tome Troisième (p. 367)
By Marcel Aubert
Reviewed by Oliver S. Tonks         

Terra-Cottas from Nippur (pp. 367–368)
By Leon Legrain
Reviewed by Raymond P. Dougherty

Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome. Volume VIII (pp. 368–369)
Reviewed by Theodore Leslie Shear

Pietro Lorenzetti (pp. 369–370)
By E.T. de Wald
Reviewed by G.H. Edgell

The Illustrated Manuscripts of Prudentius (pp. 370–371)
By Helen Woodruff
Reviewed by Dimitris Tselos

A Catalogue of the Greek Vases in the Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology, Toronto (pp. 371–372)
By David M. Robinson, Cornelia G. Harcum, and J.H. Iliffe
Reviewed by Stephen B. Luce

La Peinture à l’Exposition d’Art flamand ancien à Anvers (p. 372) 
By A.H. Cornette
Reviewed by Charles L. Kuhn