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January–March 1949 (53.1)

Gilgamesh and Agga (pp. 1–18)
Samuel Noah Kramer and Thorkild Jacobsen

Moravia in Palaeolithic Times (pp. 19–28)
Karel Absolon

A Theriomorphic Representation of Hekate-Artemis (pp. 29–31)
Rudolph Reitler

A New Skyphos by the Pisticci Painter (pp. 32–33)
Ludwig Budde

A Note on Egyptian Masonry (pp. 34–35)
Franklin P. Johnson

Archaeological News (pp. 36–57)
Ann Perkins

Necrology: William Miller (p. 58)
Stephen B. Luce

Necrology: Hans Schrader (pp. 58–59)
Margarete Bieber

Archaeological Digest (pp. 60–75)
C. Bradford Welles

Book Reviews

The Cultures of Prehistoric Egypt (pp. 76–79)
By Elise J. Baumgartel
Reviewed by Helene J. Kantor

A Stone Age Cave Site in Tangier: Preliminary Report on the Excavations at the Mugharet el ‛Aliya, or High Cave, in Tangier (pp. 79–80)
By Bruce Howe and Hallam L. Movius
Reviewed by Irving Rouse

Report on the Excavations at Hyrax Hill, Nakuru, Kenya Colony, 1937–1938 (p. 80)
By Mary D. Leakey
Reviewed by Henry Field

Mesopotamian Art in Cylinder Seals of the Pierpont Morgan Library (pp. 80–81)
By Edith Porada
Reviewed by Elie Borowski

Kam'yana Doba v Ukraini, Die Steinzeit in der Ukraine (p. 81)
By Vadym Schtscherbakiwskyj
Reviewed by Clarence A. Manning

The Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors, Being a First Report on the Excavations Carried Out in Istanbul on Behalf of the Walker Trust (The University of St. Andrews) 1935–1938 (pp. 81–83)
Reviewed by G. Downey

Ancient Corinth, a Guide to the Excavations. American School of Classical Studies at Athens (pp. 83–84)
By Oscar Broneer
Reviewed by Carl Roebuck

Das antike Athen in zwanzig Farbaufnahmen (p. 84)
By Hans A. Bauer
Reviewed by A.E. Raubitschek

Ewiger Humanismus, 10. Heft, Die Antike Plastik und der Humanistische Gedanke (p. 84)
By Alfons Wotschitzky
Reviewed by Cedric Boulter

The Theatre of Dionysus in Athens (pp. 84–86)
By A.W. Pickard-Cambridge
Reviewed by Alister Cameron

Der Fries des Tempels von Bassae-Phigalia (pp. 86–88)
By Hedwig Kenner
Reviewed by Otto J. Brendel

Alexander the Great: The Meeting of East and West in World Government and Brotherhood (pp. 88–89)
By Charles Alexander Robinson
Reviewed by Paul MacKendrick

Early Christian Epitaphs from Athens (pp. 89–90)
By John S. Creaghan and A.E. Raubitschek
Reviewed by W. Kendrick Pritchett

Griechische Plastik by Carl Weickert; Antike Bronzen, by Gerda Bruns; Griechische Vasen, by Hans Diepolder (p. 90)
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

Antike Terrakotten, by Gerda Bruns; Römanische Skulpturen, by Carl Blümel (pp. 90–91)
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

Antike Münzen (p. 91)
By Kurt Lange
Reviewed by Sarah Elizabeth Freeman