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July 2000 (104.3)

Field Report

Excavation and Survey in the Jabbul Plain, Western Syria: The Umm el-Marra Project 1996–1997 (pp. 419–462) 
Glenn M. Schwartz, Hans H. Curvers, Fokke A. Gerritsen, Jennifer A. MacCormack, Naomi F. Miller, and Jill A. Weber


Material Consequences of Contemporary Classical Collecting (pp. 463–511) 
Includes Open Access Supplementary Content
Christopher Chippindale and David W.J. Gill

The Philistine Settlement as Mercantile Phenomenon? (pp. 513–530) 
Tristan J. Barako

On Persian-Type Furniture in Macedonia: The Recognition and Transmission of Forms (pp. 531–560) 
Stavros A. Paspalas


Archaeology in Jordan (pp. 561–588) 
Virginia Egan, Patricia M. Bikai, and Kurt Zamora


Timothy William Potter, 1944–2000 (pp. 589–590) 
Stephen L. Dyson

Review Articles

Is Maritime Archaeology on Course? (pp. 591–596)
David J. Blackman

How Not to Decipher the Phaistos Disc: A Review Article (pp. 597–600)
Yves Duhoux

Book Reviews

Archaic States (pp. 601–602)
By Gary M. Feinman and Joyce Marcus
Reviewed by James Wright

World-Systems Theory in Practice: Leadership, Production, and Exchange (pp. 602–603)
By P. Nick Kardulias 
Reviewed by John Bintliff

Human Bones in Archaeology, 2nd. ed. (pp. 603–604)
By Ann Stirland
Reviewed by Robert Arnott

Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids (pp. 604–605) 
Reviewed by Diana Wolfe Larkin

The Chalcolithic Culture of the Golan (pp. 605–606)
By Claire Epstein
Reviewed by Yuval Goren

Pseira. Vol. 3, the Plateia Building (pp. 606–607)
By Cheryl R. Floyd
Reviewed by Jan Driessen

Knossos: Pottery Groups of the Old Palace Period (pp. 607–609)
By J.A. MacGillivray
Reviewed by Aleydis van de Moortel

Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries B.C.E, in Honor of Trude Dothan (pp. 609–610)
By Seymour Gitin, Amihai Mazar, and Ephraim Stern
Reviewed by Eric H. Cline

Luristan Excavation Documents. Vol. 3, Djub-1 Gauhar and Gul Khanan Murdah: Iron Age III Graveyards in the Aivan Plain (pp. 610–611)
By E. Haerinck and B. Overlaet 
Reviewed by D.T. Potts

Sculptures from the Southwest Palace of Sennacherib at Nineveh (pp. 611–613)
By Richard D. Barnett, Erika Bleibtreu, and Geoffrey Turner
Reviewed by John M. Russell

Argolis, Lakonien, Messenien: Vom Ende der mykenischen Palastzeit bis zur Einwanderung der Dorier (pp. 613–614)
By Birgitta Eder
Reviewed by Carla M. Antonaccio

The Athenian Acropolis: History, Mythology, and Archaeology from the Neolithic Era to the Present (pp. 614–615)
By Jeffery M. Hurwit
Reviewed by Kevin Glowacki

Céramique et peinture grecques: Modes d'emploi: Actes du colloque international, École du Louvre, 26–27–28 avril 1995 (pp. 615–617)
By Marie-Christine Villanueva Puig et al.
Reviewed by Amy C. Smith

The Achilles Painter (p. 617)
By John H. Oakley
Reviewed by Brian A. Sparkes

Cabiriaca: Recherches sur l'iconographie du culte des Cabires (pp. 618>–619)
By Michèle Daumas
Reviewed by Kevin Clinton

Pergamon, Citadel of the Gods: Archaeological Record, Literary Description, and Religious Development (pp. 619–621)
By Helmut Koester
Reviewed by Ann Kuttner

Greek Gods and Heroes in Ancient Cyprus (p. 621)
By Vassos Karageorghis
Reviewed by Nancy Serwint

Die Mänade in der attischen Vasenmalerei des 6. und 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.: Rezeptionsästhetische Analyse eines antiken Weiblichkeitsentwurfs (pp. 621–622)
By Suzanne Moraw 
Reviewed by Ann-Marie Knoblauch

Gender and Ethnicity in Ancient Italy (pp. 623–624)
By Tim Cornell and Kathryn Lomas
Reviewed by Birgitte Ginge

Frisuren in Stein: Arbeitsweisen frühgriechischer Bildhauer by Vinzenz Brinkmann; Frisurenkunst und Kunstfrisur: Die Haarmode der römischen Kaiserinnen von Livia bis Sabina (pp. 624–625)
By Marion Mannsperger
Reviewed by Catherine deG. Vanderpool

I Monili dall'area Vesuviana (pp. 625–627)
By Antonio d'Ambrosio; Ernesto de Carolis
Reviewed by Adriana Calinescu

Arco di Costantino tra archeologia e archeometria (pp. 627–628)
By Patrizio Pensabene and Clementina Panella
Reviewed by Sarah E. Bassett

Das mausoleum der Kaiserin Helena in Rom und der "Tempio della Tosse" in Tivoli (pp. 628–629)
By Jurgen J. Rasch
Reviewed by Shelley C. Stone

Römische Vereinshäuser: Untersuchungen zu den Scholae der römischen Berufs-, Kultund Augustalen-Kollegien in Italien (pp. 629–630)
By Beate Bollmann
Reviewed by Steven E. Ostrow

Gods, Temples and Ritual Practices: The Transformation of Religious Ideas and Values in Roman Gaui (pp. 630–631)
By Ton Derks
Reviewed by Peter S. Wells

Oudhna (Uthina): La redécouverte d'une Ville Antique de Tunisie (pp. 631–632)
By Habib Ben Hassen and Louis Maurin 
Reviewed by Lea Stirling

Le Mythe grec dans l'Italie antique: Fonction et image: Actes du colloque international organisé par l'École Française de Rome, l'Instituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici (Naples) et l'UMR 126 du CNRS (Archéologies d'Orient et d'Occident), Rome 14–16 Novembre 1996 (pp. 632–633)
By Françoise-Hélène Massa-Pairault
Reviewed by Jocelyn Penny Small

Ammen und Pädagogen, Sklavinnen und Sklaven als Erzieher in der antiken Kunst und Gesellschaft (pp. 633–634)
By Harald Schulze
Reviewed by Joan Reilly

The Archaeology of the Iberians (pp. 634–635)
By Arturo Ruiz, Manuel Molinos, and Mary Turton
Reviewed by Richard J. Harrison

Ancient Ireland: Life before the Celts (pp. 635–636)
By Laurence Flanagan
Reviewed by Barry Cunliffe

Sutton Hoo: Burial Ground of Kings? (pp. 636–637)
By Martin Carver
Reviewed by Andrew Reynolds

Herdonia: Un itinerario storico-archeologico (p. 637)
By Joseph Mertens and Guiliano Volpe
Reviewed by Edward Herring

Books Received

List of Books Received (638–642)