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Volume 44 (1940) Index (Open Access)
Archaeological Notes
The Sixth Season of Excavation at Antioch-on-the-Orontes: 1937 (pp. 417–427)
W.A. Campbell
Four Notable Acquisitions of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (pp. 428–442)
Gisela M.A. Richter
A Greek Votive Iynx-Wheel in Boston (pp. 443–456)
Grace W. Nelson
The Geometric Oenochoe with Crossed Tubes from the Athenian Agora (pp. 457–463)
A.D. Fraser
Die Entwicklungsphasen der Attisch-Geometrischen Keramik (pp. 464–482)
Peter Kahane
Two Monuments Erected after the Victory of Marathon: Addendum (pp. 483–484)
James H. Oliver
L. Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus in Samothrace and Herculaneum (pp. 485–493)
Herbert Bloch
Errata (p. 493)
Introducing the Minoan Language (pp. 494–520)
M.G.F. Ventris
Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 521–542)
Stephen B. Luce and Elizabeth Pierce Blegen
Book Reviews
The Stone Age of Mount Carmel. Excavations at the Wady el-Mughara. Volume I (pp. 543–544)
By D.A.E. Garrod and D.M.A. Bate
Reviewed by Vladimir J. Fewkes
Handbook for the Study of Egyptian Topographical Lists Relating to Western Asia (pp. 544–545)
By J. Simons
Reviewed by William F. Edgerton
Megiddo I: Seasons of 1925–34, Strata I–V, by Robert S. Lamon and Geoffrey M. Shipton; Notes on the Megiddo Pottery of Strata VI–XX, by Geoffrey M. Shipton (pp. 546–550)
Reviewed by W.F. Albright
The Dawn of European Civilization (pp. 550–552)
By V. Gordon Childe
Reviewed by Vladimir J. Fewkes
The Iberians of Spain and Their Relations with the Aegean World (p. 552)
By Pierson Dixon
Reviewed by Rhys Carpenter
A Mycenaean Fountain on the Athenian Acropolis (pp. 552–559)
By Oscar Broneer
Reviewed by John Franklin Daniel
ΔΡΑΓΜΑ Martino P. Nilsson, A.D. IV, id. IUL, anno MCMXXXIX Dedicatum (pp. 559–560)
By Martino P. Nilsson
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann
Ricerche e Studi sulla Scultura Greca del Sec. IV (pp. 560–561)
By M. Marella
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber
Anatolian Studies Presented to William Hepburn Buckler (pp. 561–563)
By W.M. Calder and Josef Keil
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles
Architecture through the Ages (pp. 563–564)
By Talbot Hamlin
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber
The Adler Papyri (pp. 564–566)
By Elkan Nathan Adler, John Gavin Tait, and Fritz M. Heichelheim
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles
Tax Rolls from Karanis. Part II, Text and Indexes (pp. 566–567)
By Herbert Chayyim Youtie and Orsamus Merrill Pearl
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles
A Sixth Century Monastery at Beth-Shan (pp. 567–568)
By G.M. Fitzgerald
Reviewed by F.O. Waagé
The Crown of the Emperor Constantine Monomachus (pp. 568–569)
By Magda Bárány-Oberschall
Reviewed by Marvin Chauncey Ross
Esmaltes Aragones (p. 569)
By Federico-Blas Torralba Soriano
Reviewed by Marvin Chauncey Ross
Introduction à l’Étude d’une Collection d'Instruments Anciens de Mathématiques (pp. 569–570)
By H. Michel
Reviewed by R.C. Archibald
So Live the Works of Men. Seventieth Anniversary Volume, Honoring Edgar Lee Hewett (pp. 570–571)
By Donald D. Brand and Fred E. Harvey
Reviewed by Mary Butler
Byzantine Art in Roumania (p. 571)
By Marcu Beza
Reviewed by Marvin Chauncey Ross
Daily Life in Ancient Rome (pp. 571–572)
By Jérôme Carcopino, E.O. Lorimer, and Henry T. Rowell
Reviewed by John Flagg Gunmere