American Journal of Archaeology | The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
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Volume 10 (1895) Index (pp. i–viii)
A Discovery of Horizontal Curves in the Roman Temple Called “Maison Carrée” at Nimes (pp. 1–12)
Wm. Henry Goodyear
Some Recent Results of the University of Pennsylvania Excavations at Nippur, Especially of the Temple Hill (pp. 13–46)
John P. Peters
Necrology: Henry Brugsch (pp. 47–50)
W. Max Müller
Note to “A Torso from Daphne” (p. 51)
Rufus B. Richardson
Reviews and Notices of Books
La Collection Tyszkiewicz. Choix de Monuments Antiques avec texte explicatif (p. 52)
By W. Fröhner
Reviewed by A. M.
Select Passages from Ancient Writers Illustrative of the History of Greek Sculpture (p. 53)
By H. Stuart Jones
Reviewed by A.M.
Atlas of Classical Antiquities (pp. 53–54)
By Schreiber and W.C.F. Anderson
Reviewed by A.M.
Norman Monuments of Palermo and Environs (pp. 54–56)
By Dehli and Chamberlin
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Le Gallerie Nazionali Italiane. Notizie. Documenti (pp. 56–59)
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Denkmäler der Renaissance Sculptur Toscanas (pp. 59–60)
By Wilhelm Bode
Reviewed by A.M.
Il Codice Atlantico di Leonardo da Vinci (pp. 60–61)
By Ulrico Hoepli
Reviewed by A.M.
Stilfragen. Grundlegungen zu einer Geschichte der Ornamentik (pp. 61–62)
By Alois Riegl
Reviewed by A.M.
Manuale di Numismatica (pp. 62–63)
By Solone Ambrosoli
Reviewed by A.M.
L’art Byzantin dans l’Italie meridionale (pp. 63–64)
By Charles Diehl
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Archaeological News (pp. 65–136)
A.L. Frothingham, Jr.