American Journal of Archaeology | The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
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Excavations by the School at Eretria in 1891. VI. A Topographical Study of Eretria (pp. 371–389)
John Pickard
Excavations by the American Schoool at Plataia in 1891. Discovery of a Temple of Archaic Plan (pp. 390–405)
Charles Waldstein and Henry S. Washington
Discoveries by the American School at Plataia in 1890. VI. Votive Inscription (pp. 406–421)
Rufus B. Richardson
Andrea Della Robbia’s Assumption of the Virgin in the Metropolitan Museum (pp. 422–431)
Allan Marquand
Introduction of Gothic Architecture into Italy by the French Cistercian Monks. IV. Monastery of Arbona (pp. 432–439)
A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
A “Mensa Ponderaria” from Assos (pp. 440–443)
F.B. Tarbell
Notes from Syria (pp. 444–445)
Daniel Z. Noorian
The Berlin Tablet No. 1813 (pp. 445–447)
Walter C. Mueller
Cistercian Gothic Architecture in Italy: A Question of Literary Priority (pp. 447–449)
A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Two Egyptian Monuments from the Site of Herakleopolis (pp. 449–453)
S.Y. Stevenson
Reviews and Notices of Books
Mission épigraphique en Algérie (p. 454)
By Aug. Audollent
Reviewed by R. Cagnat
Die italienische Plastik (pp. 454–455)
By W. Bode
Reviewed by H. Weizsacker
Oriental Archaeology
Zur Geschichte der Hieroglyphenschrift (p. 455)
By W. Pleyte and Carl Abel
Reviewed by G. Maspero
Pseudohethitische Kunst, ein Vortrag (pp. 455–456)
By Otto Puchstein
Reviewed by F. Dümmler
Description géographique des anciens empires d’Assyrie d’aprés les documents cunéiforms. I. Tiglath Pileser I (p. 456)
By Raboisson
Reviewed by H. Winckler
Classical Archaeology
Der Antheil der Periegese an der Kunstschriftstellerei der Alten (pp. 456–457)
By Max Bencker
Reviewed by W. Gurlitt
L’Année épigraphique (1889) (p. 457)
By R. Cagnat
Reviewed by P. Guiraud
Terres Cuites Grecques photographiées d’après les originaux des collections privées de France et des musées d’Athènes (pp. 457–458)
By A. Cartault
Reviewed by S. Reinach
Excursions archéologiques en Grèce: Mycènes-Delos-Athènes-Olympie-Eleusis-Epidaure-Dodone-Tirynthe-Tanagra (p. 458)
By Ch. Diehl
Reviewed by Fr. Baumgarten
Fünfzigstes Programm zum Winckelmannsfeste der Archäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin (pp. 458–459)
Reviewed by G. Körte
Die attischen Grabschriften, by H. Gutscher; Griechische Marmorstudien (From the Appendix to the Abhandlungen der kgl. preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin), by Richard Lepsius (pp. 459–460)
Reviewed by Chr. Belger
Griechische Kunstmythologie (p. 460)
By J. Overbeck
Reviewed by A. Furtwängler
The Inscriptions of Cos (pp. 460–464)
By W.R. Paton and E.L. Hicks
Reviewed by J.H. Wright
Griechische Weihgeschenke (p. 464)
By Emil Reisch, O. Benndorf, and R. Bormann
Reviewed by E. Fabricius
Korkyräische Studien (pp. 464–465)
By B. Schmidt
Reviewed by S. Reinach
Die Gebärden der Griechen and Römer (p. 465)
By Carl Sittl
Reviewed by S. Reinach
I. Herakles und die Hydra, ein Torso des von Wagnerschen Kunstinstituts der Universität Wurzburg. II. Ueber einige Werke des Künstler’s Pythagoras, by H.L. Urlichs (p. 466)
Reviewed by S. Reinach
Christian Archaeology
L’Architettura in Italia dal secolo VI al mille circa (pp. 466–468)
By Raffaele Cattaneo
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Die kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes, historisch und systematisch dargestellt (pp. 468–470)
By G. Dehio and G. von Bezold
Reviewed by R. de Lasteyrie
L’Art Gothique. L’Architecture-la Peinture-la Sculpture-le Decor (pp. 470–471)
By Louis Gonse
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Correspondence: Letter on the Babylonian Expedition (pp. 472–475)
John P. Peters
Archaeological News (pp. 476–566)
A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Summaries of Periodicals (pp. 567–578)