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January 1952 (56.1)

On an Inscription from Phistyon in Aetolia (S B Berlin 1936, 367 ff.) (pp. 9–19)
Francis W. Schehl

Notes and Discussions

Greek Numerals (pp. 21–23)
Sterling Dow

Cleisthenes and Ostracism (pp. 23–26)
C. A. Robinson, Jr.

The Bronze Age in the Near East: A Review Article [Part II] (pp. 27–38)
Statigraphie comparée et Chronologie de l’Asie Occidentale by Claude F.A. Schaeffer
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Archaeological News (pp. 39–65)
William Stevenson Smith, Povl Simonsen and Louise Llewellyn Jarecka


Paul Victor Christopher Baur (p. 67)

Axel Waldemar Persson (pp. 67–68)
David M. Robinson

Archaeological Bibliography of Current Periodical Literature

Archaeological Bibliography of Current Periodical Literature (pp. 69–82)
C. Bradford Welles

Book Reviews

The Calendars of Ancient Egypt (pp. 83–84)
By Richard A. Parker
Reviewed by William C. Hayes

Ancient Egyptian Onomastica (pp. 84–85)
By Alan H. Gardiner
Reviewed by Ludlow Bull

Wörterbuch der aegyptischen Sprache, Vol. VI: Deutsch-aegyptisches Wörterverzeichnis in alphabetischer und sachlicher Ordnung nebst Verzeichnissen der koptischen, semitischen und griechischen Wörter (p. 85)
By A. Erman and H. Grapow
Reviewed by Richard A. Parker

The Egyptian Collections of the University Museum (pp. 85–86)
By Hermann Ranke
Reviewed by John D. Cooney

Ägyptische Bildnisköpfe griechischer und römischer Zeit (pp. 86–87)
By Heinrich Drerup
Reviewed by Bernard V. Bothmer

The Early Cultures of North-West Europe (pp. 87–88)
By Cyril Fox and Bruce Dickins
Reviewed by William J. Godfrey, Jr.

El Castro y la Necropolis del Hierro Celtico de Chamartin de la Sierra (p. 88)
By Juan Cabré Aguiló, Encarnatión Cabré de Morán, and Antonio Molinero Pérez
Reviewed by Hugh Hencken

The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium B.C. (pp. 88–91)
By Helene J. Kantor
Reviewed by Sara A. Immerwahr

Symbols of the Gods in Mesopotamian Art (p. 91)
By E. Douglas van Buren
Reviewed by Samuel Noah Kramer

Ideas of Divine Rule in the Ancient East (pp. 91–93)
By C.J. Gadd
Reviewed by Noah Kramer

Ancient Near Eastern Texts (pp. 93–94)
By W.F. Albright, H.L. Ginsberg, A. Goetze, S.N. Kramer, T.J. Meek, A.L. Oppenheim, R. Pfeiffer, A. Sachs, E.A. Speiser, F.J. Stephens, J. Wilson, and J.B. Pritchard
Reviewed by Cyrus H. Gordon

From Joseph to Joshua: Biblical Traditions in the Light of Archaeology (pp. 94–95)
By H.H. Rowley
Reviewed by C.C. McCown

The Stone Age Cultures of Northern Rhodesia (pp. 95–96)
By J. Desmond Clark
Reviewed by Hallam L. Movius, Jr.

Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus, Vol. I. The Hellenistic and Roman Periods (pp. 96–97)
By Hetty Goldman
Reviewed by P.J. Riis

Nubian Treasure, an Account of the Discoveries at Ballana and Qustul (pp. 97–98)
By Walter B. Emery
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson

Poggio Buco: The Necropolis of Statonia (pp. 98–99)
By Giacinto Matteucig
Reviewed by W.L. Brown

Zur Bedeutung von etruskisch fler- (p. 99)
By Reinhard Herbig
Reviewed by Joshua Whatmough

Die Reliefs des Heroon von Gjölbaschi-Trysa (pp. 99–100)
By Fritz Eichler
Reviewed by Frances Follin Jones

Guida degli Scavi Italiani in Creta (p. 100)
By Luigi Pernier and Luisa Banti
Reviewed by Sara A. Immerwahr

Il “Palazzo delle Colonne” in Tolemaide di Cirenaica (pp. 100–102)
By Gennaro Pesce
Reviewed by William A. McDonald

Archaic Greek Art against Its Historical Background (p. 102)
By Gisela M.A. Richter
Reviewed by Vagn Poulsen

Frühgriechische Jünglinge (pp. 102–103)
By Ernst Buschor
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Pergamon (p. 103)
By Heinz Kähler
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Ernst Fiechter. Der Künstler, der Forscher, der Mensch. Erinnerungen, Briefe, Tagebücher, letzte Aufzeichnungen, verbunden und ergänzt (p. 103)
By Sophia Charlotte Fiechter
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

The End of the Seleucids (pp. 103–104)
By Alfred R. Bellinger
Reviewed by William Wallace

Sanctuaires chrétiens de Syrie (pp. 104–105)
By Jean Lassus
Reviewed by Kenneth John Conant

The Mosaics of Norman Sicily (pp. 105–106)
By Otto Demus
Reviewed by Ernest T. DeWald

Man in Northeastern North America (pp. 106–108)
By Frederick Johnson
Reviewed by Alfred K. Guthe

Andean Culture History (pp. 108–109)
By Wendell C. Bennett and Junius B. Bird
Reviewed by John M. Corbett

The Prophecies for the Maya Tuns or Years in the Books of Chilam Balam of Tizimin and Mani; Guide to the Codex Perez (pp. 109–110)
By Ralph L. Roys
Reviewed by J. Eric S. Thompson

The Tovar Calendar, an Illustrated Mexican Manuscript ca. 1585 (pp. 110–111)
By George Kubler and Charles Gibson
Reviewed by J. Eric S. Thompson

Archeology of the Bynum Mounds (pp. 111–112)
By John L. Cotter and John M. Corbett
Reviewed by Jesse D. Jennings