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July–September 1946 (50.3)

Future Aims and Methods in Research in Prehistoric Europe (pp. 341–344)
Hugh Hencken

The Masters of the Pergamon Gigantomachy (pp. 345–357)
Diether Thimme

Months in Dorian Calendars (pp. 358–360)
Kendrick Pritchett

A Fourth-Century Bronze Hydria in New York (pp. 361–367)
Gisela M.A. Richter

A Byzantine Bronze Weight (pp. 368–369)
Marvin C. Ross

News Items from Athens (pp. 370–377)
Elizabeth Pierce Blegen

Notes on the History of Kush 850 B.C.–A.D. 350 (pp. 378–388)
Dows Dunham

On Certain Portrait Inscriptions (pp. 389–400)
Christine Hanson and Franklin P. Johnson

Forty-Eighth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 401–404) 

Archaeological Digest (pp. 405–420)
Stephen B. Luce and Alexei Okladnikov

Book Reviews

What Happened in History (pp. 421–422)
By Gordon Childe
Reviewed by Robert J. Braidwood

A History of the Giza Necropolis, Volume I (pp. 422–423)
By George Andrew Reisner
Reviewed by William C. Hayes

The Loves and Wars of Baal and Anat and Other Poems from Ugarit (pp. 423–425)
By Cyrus H. Gordon
Reviewed by Samuel N. Kramer

Light from the Ancient Past: The Archaeological Background of the Hebrew-Christian Religion (pp. 425–426)
By Jack Finegan
Reviewed by C.C. McCown

The Memorial of Moses on Mount Nebo (pp. 426–428)
By Fr. Sylvester J. Saller
Reviewed by Carl H. Kraeling

The Excavations at Dura-Europus, Part II, the Textiles (pp. 428–429)
By R. Pfister, Louisa Bellinger, and M.I. Rostovtzeff
Reviewed by Phyllis Ackerman

Les Monuments Ayyoubides de Damas, Livraison II (pp. 429–430)
By Institut Français de Damas
Reviewed by Emerson H. Swift

Fenicios y Carthagineses en Occidente (pp. 430–431)
By A. Garcia y Bellido
Reviewed by Rhys Carpenter

Etudes Cretoises, Tome VII. Fouilles executees a Mallia. Explorations des Necropoles (pp. 431–432)
By Pierre Demargne
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg

New Tombs at Dendra near Midea (pp. 432–434)
By Axel W. Persson
Reviewed by Oscar Broneer

The Horse in Greek Art (pp. 434–435)
By Sidney David Markman
Reviewed by Mary Thorne Campbell

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, France, Palais des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris (pp. 435–436)
By N. Plaoutine
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter                          

La Faune Marine dans la Decoration des Plats a Poissons: Etude sur la Ceramique Greque D’Italie Meridionale (pp. 436–437)
By Léon Lacroix
Reviewed by H.R.W. Smith

Fouilles de Delphes, Tome III, Epigraphie, Fasc. VI, Les Inscriptions du Theatre (pp. 437–438)
By Natan Valmin
Reviewed by Henry R. Immerwahr                                                      

Etudes d’Epigraphie et d’Histoire Grecques (pp. 438–439)
By Maurice Holleaux and Louis Robert
Reviewed by Charles Edson

Les Lampes Antiques du Musee Calvet D’Avignon (p. 439)
By Pierre de Brun and Sylvain Gagnière
Reviewed by F.O. Waage

Disputacion Provincial de Valencia: La Labor del Servicio de Investigacion Prehistorica y su Museo en los Años 1935 a 1939 (p. 439)
By I. Ballester Tormo
Reviewed by F.O. Waage

Inscripciones Cristianas de la España Romana y Visigido (p. 440)
By D. José Vives
Reviewed by William J. Bryant

Carta Arqueológica de España-Soria (pp. 440–441)
By B. Taracena Aguirre
Reviewed by William J. Bryant

Religioese Reform und mittelalterliche Kunst (pp. 441–442)
By Werner Weisbach
Reviewed by Richard Bernheimer

English Medieval Wall Painting, The Twelfth Century (pp. 442–444)
By E.W. Tristram
Reviewed by Dimitri Tselos

A New Approach to Maya Hieroglyphs (pp. 444–445)
By W. Jos. de Gruyter
Reviewed by Sylvanus G. Morley