American Journal of Archaeology | The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
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Excavations by the American School at the Theatre of Sikyon. I. General Report of the Excavations (pp. 267–286)
W.J. McMurtry
Excavations by the American School at the Theatre of Sikyon. II. Supplementary Report of the Excavations (pp. 286–292)
Mortimer Lamson Earle
Excavations by the American School at the Theatre of Sikyon. III. A Sikyonian Statue (pp. 292–303)
Mortimer Lamson Earle
Discoveries in the Attic Deme of Ikaria, 1888. VII. Inscriptions from Ikaria. No. 8–17 (pp. 304–319)
Carl D. Buck
Early-Christian and Mediaeval Monuments in Italy. I. An Early Rock-Cut Church at Sutri (pp. 320–330)
A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Letter from Greece (pp. 331–336)
Wilhelm Dörpfeld
Reviews and Notices of Books
L’ancienne Alexandrie (p. 337)
By Néroutsos-Bey
Reviewed by P. Weizsäcker
I sommi Pontefici della Campania Romana con notizie storiche intorno alle città e luoghi più importanti della medesima provincia (pp. 337–339)
By Tommaso Terrinoni (Monsig.)
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Classical Archaeology
Textbuch zu Th. Schreibers Kulturhistorischem Bilderatlas des klassischen Altertums (p. 339)
By K. Bernhardi
Reviewed by M. Lehnerdt
Sammlung der griechischen Dialektin-schriften. Band III, Heft II. Die Inschriften von Korinthos, Kleonai, Sikyon, Phleius und den korinthischen Kolonien (p. 339)
By H. Collitz and F. Bechtel
Reviewed by W. Larfeld
Quida per gli avanzi di costruzioni poligonie dette ciclopiche, saturnie o pelasgiche nella provincia di Roma (pp. 339–341)
By Rodolfo Fonteanive
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Das Gräberfeld von Marion auf Cypern (48. Berliner Winckelmanns-Programm) (p. 342)
By Paul Herrmann
Reviewed by F. Dümmler
Studien zur Geschichte der griechischen Kunst (p. 342)
By August Herzog
Reviewed by P. Weizsäcker
Bibliographie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, by E. Hübner; Geschichtlich topographische Studien über das alte Rom, by A. Mayrhöfer (pp. 343–344)
Reviewed by O. Richter
Grammatik der attischen Inschriften (p. 344)
By K. Meisterhans
Reviewed by C. Häberlin
Sulla fognatura della Città di Roma, by P. Narducci; Die Florentiner Niobegruppe, by Hans Ohlrich (pp. 344–345)
Reviewed by P. Weizsäcker
Bibliothéque des monuments figurés grecs et romains. Vol. I. Voyage archéologique en Grèce et en Asie mineure sous la direction de Philippe Le Bas (1842–44) (pp. 345–346)
By Salomon Reinach
Reviewed by Köpp
Sculptures et Inscriptions de Palmyre à la Glyptothèque de Ny Carlsberg, by D. Simonsen; Catalogue of Casts in the Museum of Classical Archaeology, Cambridge, by Charles Waldstein (pp. 346–347)
Reviewed by A.M.
Archäologische Beiträge. I. Über einige Antiken in Regensburg, namentlich eine Bronzestatuette des Mercurius (p. 347)
By F. Wiesler
Christian Archaeology
Le Chiese di Roma dalle loro origini sino al secolo XVI (pp. 347–350)
By Mariano Armellini
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Beschreibung der Bildwerke der christlichen Epoche (Berlin Museum) (pp. 350–351)
By W. Bode and H. von Tschudi
Reviewed by H. Weizsäcker
La Piscine de Bethesda à Jerusalem by C. Mauss; Guide de l’École Nationale des Beaux-Arts. Ouvrage accompagne de 23 gravures (pp. 351–352)
By Eugène Müntz
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
The Marvels of Roma [Mirabilia Urbis Romae], or a Picture of the Golden City (pp. 352–353)
By F.M. Nichols
Reviewed by A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
The Cistercian Abbey of Strata Florida, by Stephen W. Williams; Asturias monumental, epigráfica y diplomática, by Ciriaco-Miguel Vigil (pp. 354–355)
Reviewed by R. Beer
Prehistoric Archaeology
Les premiers áges du métal dans le Sud-Est de l’Espagne (pp. 356–357)
By H. Siret and L. Siret
Reviewed by A.G. Meyer
Archaeological News (pp. 358–402)
A.L. Frothingham, Jr.
Summaries of Periodicals (pp. 403–416)