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Roman Republican Imperialism in Italy and the West

October 2009 (113.4)

Review Article

Roman Republican Imperialism in Italy and the West

Reviewed Works

Articulating Local Cultures: Power and Identity Under The Expanding Roman Republic, edited by P. van Dommelen and N. Terrenato (JRA Suppl. 63). Pp. 144, figs. 52. Journal of Roman Archaeology, Portsmouth, R.I. 2007. $59.50. ISBN 1-887829-63-6 (cloth).

Early Roman Towns in Hispania Tarraconensis, edited by L. Abad Casal, S. Keay, and S. Ramallo Asensio (JRA Suppl. 62). Pp. 237, figs. 120. Journal of Roman Archaeology, Portsmouth, R.I. 2006. $84.50. ISBN 1-887829-62-8 (cloth).

Roman by Integration: Dimensions of Group Identity in Material Culture and Text, edited by Roman Roth and Johannes Keller (JRA Suppl. 66). Pp. 103, figs. 10. Journal of Roman Archaeology, Portsmouth, R.I. 2007. $47.50. ISBN 978-1-887829- 66-3 (cloth).

Continuity and Innovation in Religion in the Roman West. Vol. 1, edited by R. Haeussler and A.C. King (JRA Suppl. 67). Pp. 212, figs. 110. Journal of Roman Archaeology, Portsmouth, R.I. 2007. $89. ISBN-13: 978-1-887829-67-0 (cloth).

Roman Republican Imperialism in Italy and the West

By R. Bruce Hitchner

American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 113, No. 4 (October 2009), pp. 651–655

DOI: 10.3764/aja.113.4.651

© 2009 Archaeological Institute of America